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喵喵折+ - Free Sh

2022/4/10 23:31:46  Posted by 油猴

喵喵折+ Description: 喵喵折(原购物小蜜)是一个简单易用的购物助手。安装后,在您浏览电商网站时,为您提供商品的历史价格、同款比价、商品收藏、降价提醒以及一键海淘等服务。官方版本号: 更新时间:2019年10月12日6.0版本更新内容:*"喵喵折+"版本,专业版本,功能更强,性能更稳定;*一键海淘功能优化,增加支持日亚、6PM电商网站;*性能优化、交互细节优化;QA:1、刚安装喵喵折后发现不显示价格?Sponsored Links 喵喵折chrome商店安装包非常小,方便快速安装。在安装后首次启动时,会更新大约600k(...

Movie Quotes 1.1.1 - Fr

2022/4/10 23:31:28  Posted by 油猴

Movie Quotes Description: Almost 100 different famous quotes from movies and TV shows randomly featured right on your new tab. ...

Prettier Lichess 3.3.9

2022/4/10 23:30:34  Posted by 油猴

Prettier Lichess Description: *IMPORTANT* Default theme is made to work with Lichess' dark background.UPDATE: You can now use your own custom colors with Prettier Lichess! Simply click on the extension icon and choose different colors that will change the entire site. (Saved color profiles to com...

Integromat DevTool 2.3.

2022/4/10 23:29:41  Posted by 油猴

Integromat DevTool Description: Integromat DevTool allows you to debug your Integromat scenarios in a completely new way. It will add an extra pane to the Chrome Developer Tools. Using this new debugger pane you're able to check all manual runs of your scenario, review all the performed operation...

Search Box Focus 0.3.5

2022/4/10 23:28:48  Posted by 油猴

Search Box Focus Description: You hate taking your hand off the keyboard all the time only to access the search bar of the website you’re visiting?You’d love to simply press Tab or a custom shortcut to focus the search field and start typing right away without ever using your mouse?“Search Box Fo...

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