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Prettier Lichess 3.3.9 - Free Productivity 插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/10 23:30:34      作者:tampermonkey
Prettier Lichess Description: *IMPORTANT* Default theme is made to work with Lichess' dark background.UPDATE: You can now use your own custom colors with Prettier Lichess! Simply click on the extension icon and choose different colors that will change the entire site. (Saved color profiles to come)Lichess is an amazing platform that has more than just the ability to play chess, and all for free. Unfortunately I felt like it didn't show this well with it's current design, nor did it show it was a site that resides in 2021. Now with Prettier Lichess, Lichess becomes more readable, more discoverable, and prettier! Sponsored Links This extension is still in active development, and as such parts of the site are not yet completely styled. The homepage, profile page, match page, puzzle page, tournament page, and various study pages are all currently styled. More to come in the future.https://prettierlichess.github.io/