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Kindletrends Also Bough

2022/4/10 23:45:17  Posted by 油猴

Kindletrends Also Boughts Downloader Description: This extension adds a button to download the lists of Also Bought, Also Viewed and Also Read items from a book details page in the Amazon Kindle Store and saves it to a text file, as well as Top 100s and Hot New Releases pages. Self-published aut...

Azure DevOps Wiki Edito

2022/4/10 23:44:20  Posted by 油猴

Azure DevOps Wiki Editor Description: Replacing standard Azure DevOps Wiki markdown editor with custom WYSIWYG editor. This will allow you easily create/edit/delete tables, add lists and text formatting.You can also switch to split view if you want to display Markdown for more advanced formatting...

Replit Color 2.3.0 - Fr

2022/4/10 23:43:39  Posted by 油猴

Replit Color Description: Customise the syntax highlighting of the online REPL.it IDE (https://replit.com) through an easy-to-use interface.Click the icon in the top right (or under the jigsaw icon) to edit your preferences. ...

Xtense GM 2.9.8 - Free

2022/4/10 23:41:39  Posted by 油猴

Xtense GM Description: This module helps you to import all data from your favorite game to OGSpy.Your OGSpy server will be able to use this data and create statistics about you and your ennemies in the game.We are available for all questions concerning the tool on the forum and we hope that you w...

Moon Phases 4.3 - Free

2022/4/10 23:40:43  Posted by 油猴

Moon Phases Description: The icon show the current phase with a real image of the moon.Click and little window is open with the next data: - Location. - Current moon phase. - Moonrise.Sponsored Links - Moonset. - Moon age. - Moon brightness percentage.. - Real ...

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