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Kindletrends Also Boughts Downloader 0.0.35 - Free Productivity 插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/10 23:45:17      作者:tampermonkey
Kindletrends Also Boughts Downloader Description: This extension adds a button to download the lists of Also Bought, Also Viewed and Also Read items from a book details page in the Amazon Kindle Store and saves it to a text file, as well as Top 100s and Hot New Releases pages. Self-published authors on the Amazon Kindle Store can use this information to identify books similar to their own titles for research purposes. Currently the extension works on the US, UK, and Canada Amazon stores, but I'll look at adding support for others in future.When the extension is loaded, you should see a button with a download icon appear next to the Also Bought, Also Viewed and Also Read sections in a Kindle Store book details page, as well as the Top 100s and Hot New Releases for a category. Different pages may have one or more of these at different times and in different places, so if you don't see them, try another book, or the same book at another time. To use the extension, click the button. You should see each page in the carousel load in turn, and when the end is reached, you should get a popup to download the file, or see the file automatically downloaded (depending on your browser settings). Book information is in a tab-delimited text file you can open in any spreadsheet program, and includes the following:ASIN Title Series Author Sponsored Links Number of ReviewsAverage review Price URL to book details pageNote: working out the series name isn't always easy. We can handle most common formats like 'Book Title (Series Name Book )', but I have learned that there's a much bigger range of formats out there than I realised. If the series name can't be identified, then it just throws up its hands and dumps the whole thing into the Title field, which you can search on anyway, so I don't think it's a massive issue.Book formats are always changing, and so this extension might break if it encounters a new one it can't handle. If this happens, please drop me an email at with the details of the book on which it happened, and I'll do what I can to resolve it.Permissions required for the extension to work are because it adds a 'download' button to the Kindle Store book details page. Always exercise caution when downloading files from the Internet.