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Intento Translator 1.2.

2022/4/10 18:23:16  Posted by 油猴

Intento Translator Description: The translation requests are routed to the best Machine Translation engine for the language pair according to the latest Intento evaluation report (https://bit.ly/mt_jun2019). Depending on the language pair, it may be Amazon, Baidu, DeepL, Google, IBM, Microsoft or...

Threadit - Fre

2022/4/10 18:23:15  Posted by 油猴

Threadit Description: Tired of spending too much time in back-to-back meetings and lengthy chat discussions? So are we. That’s why we built Threadit — short video recordings to share work, connect your team, and help you get your day back. Simply record yourself and anything on your screen to get...

Stadia Enhanced 1.18.0

2022/4/10 18:23:14  Posted by 油猴

Stadia Enhanced Description: Stadia Enhance is adding new functionality to Google Stadia, including store search, quick access, stream monitoring and more, while keeping a minimalistic and native look.Features include:? Set VP9 or H264 as the preferred codec.? Enable 2K & 4K (requires GPU wit...

Rabbit Archiver 0.6 - F

2022/4/10 18:22:53  Posted by 油猴

Rabbit Archiver Description: This is a Chrome extension that handles the mess your Facebook Messenger bot makes on your business page inbox. When your facebook business page receives a lot of messages per day and you care about the users reply, the first thing you think is to plug a chat bot into...


2022/4/10 18:20:40  Posted by 油猴

Streak的开发背景 虽然目前基于互联网的沟通方式非常多,但是一般企业商务沟通的方式还是以电子邮件为主,不仅是由于电子邮件使用起来非常方便(不像社交网络一样需要经过对方的同意才可以发送信息),而且电子邮件也可以为用户长期保存通讯记录,对于企业来说,这些历史性的通讯记录可能对企业的发展非常重要。 Gmail作为谷歌公司开发的一款功能强大、用户量非常大的全球性商务电子邮件,其出色的性能和良好的用户体验保证了Gmail能够被如此多的用户所喜爱,但是Gmail只提供了一个与客户收发电子邮件的平台,对于其他与企业销售有关的功能并不会被包含进去,这就需...

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