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Stadia Enhanced 1.18.0 - Free Accessibility chrome插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/10 18:23:14      作者:tampermonkey
Stadia Enhanced Description: Stadia Enhance is adding new functionality to Google Stadia, including store search, quick access, stream monitoring and more, while keeping a minimalistic and native look.Features include:? Set VP9 or H264 as the preferred codec.? Enable 2K & 4K (requires GPU with support for VP9 decoding).? Stream Monitor (Displays frame/package loss among other things), via the group menu.? Changeable library size on the home screen, toggle between 2 up to 6 items per row.? Settings for codec, resolution and library size are saved between sessions.Sponsored Links ? Quick access for screenshots and video captures, achievements, as well as current Pro games.? Store search bar to quickly find games.The extension is free and fully open source and the changelog and source can be found at:https://github.com/ChristopherKlay/StadiaEnhancedIf you find any issues, please report them on GitHub:https://github.com/ChristopherKlay/StadiaEnhanced/issues