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2022/4/10 21:06:34  Posted by 油猴

简介:ContextSwitch插件是一款可以一次性把当前浏览器窗口中的所有标签页链接复制/保存的插件,可以快速分享和备份,还支持批量打开网址。 ContextSwitch插件背景简介 用于访问一个网站的网址又称为URL,用户只需要在打开浏览器的时候输入它们就可以找到自己想要的网站。由于chrome的多标签的功能,我们可以在同个浏览器的窗口中同时打开多个URL来浏览网页,而且只需要单击某个标签就可以从一个网页来跳转到另一个网页,而我们关闭Chrome的时候也会一次性地把这些标签全部关闭掉...

Open With Firefox:将网页从C

2022/4/10 21:06:23  Posted by 油猴

Open With Firefox简介 无论是开发人员还是普通用户,可能都会有再不同的浏览器中打开同一个页面的需求,当然开发和测试人员的需求可能会更大一些,对于经常有这类需求的用户,我们推荐这款Open With Firefox插件,它可以将网页从chrome发送到Firefox浏览器。打开使用Firefox,只需轻松快速地点击鼠标,即可将网页从Chrome发送到Firefox。 Open With Firefox?与Firefox?或任何Firefox?产品没有正式关联。 Firefox...

Twitch Live 2.0.2 - Fre

2022/4/10 21:06:12  Posted by 油猴

Twitch Live Description: Twitch Live is a browser extension for Google Chrome that makes it easy to check which of your favorite Twitch.tv channels are currently live. You can also configure the extension to send you a notification when one of your favorite streams goes online.Extension was devel...

Bubbles: 视频与截图插件Chrome生

2022/4/10 21:06:00  Posted by 油猴

Bubbles: Video and Screenshot Collaboration插件背景简介 在日常生活中我们总会有需要捕获屏幕截图或视频的时候,这时我们会用一些第三方软件,但软件很占内存也没有插件方便,今天小编就为大家介绍一款视频与截图协作的插件——Bubbles: Video and Screenshot Collaboration。 Bubbles: Video and Screenshot Collaboration插件简介 Bubbles: Video and Screensh...

Price Snoop 1.72 - Free

2022/4/10 21:05:49  Posted by 油猴

Price Snoop Description: When viewing a product on Amazon, Price Snoop will show you just how much it costs on the other Amazon stores and allow you to navigate between them with a single click. You'll also be able to see whether a product that's unavailable on your favorite Amazon store is sold ...

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