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Price Snoop 1.72 - Free Shopping chrome插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/10 21:05:49      作者:tampermonkey
Price Snoop Description: When viewing a product on Amazon, Price Snoop will show you just how much it costs on the other Amazon stores and allow you to navigate between them with a single click. You'll also be able to see whether a product that's unavailable on your favorite Amazon store is sold on the other stores, and at what price.Price Snoop currently supports most European Amazon stores: amazon.co.uk, amazon.de, amazon.fr, amazon.it and amazon.es.Release Notes:== 1.5 == ? Updated to support the latest version of Chrome== v1.46 == ? Fixed price detection for flash deals and items with Amazon promotional discounts== v1.45 == ? Fixed the Price Snoop icon not showing up anymore ? Items which are only available from third-party sellers are now supported== v1.44 == ? Fixed the Price Snoop icon not being added to Black Friday lightning deals== v1.43 == ? Fixed the issue with the currency conversion rates failing to loadSponsored Links == v1.42 == ? Removed Amazon affiliate id== v1.41 == ? Improved price detection for items sold by merchants ? Fixed an issue when the Snoop icon would not be displayed for unavailable items.== v1.4 == ? Updated to support Amazon's latest design ? Various performance improvements== v1.33 == ? Fixed the issue caused by European Central Bank's url redirect (ecb.int redirects to ecb.europa.eu) ? Improved the support for products that come in multiple versions. == v1.32 == ? Added the ability to convert GBP prices to Euro. == 1.21 == ? Added the ability to return to the previously visited Amazon website after navigating to a new one.