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AutoRename 3.0.0 - Free

2022/4/10 21:27:24  Posted by 油猴

AutoRename Description: Files that you download from the internet often have file names that make no sense. Love to save images from Twitter? Want to save them with a file name that is much more functional? This is the extension that can do it for you. FEATURES- Rename Twitter image files to incl...

Detailed SEO ExtensionC

2022/4/10 21:27:11  Posted by 油猴

Detailed SEO Extension插件背景简介 SEO是一种搜索引擎的优化技术,网站的运营者需要发布一些优质的内容来满足用户的需求,从而博得搜索引擎的喜爱,进而从搜索引擎带来搜索流量。衡量搜索引擎对一个网站的喜爱程度,通常都是由这种SEO指标组成,关于SEO我们介绍过许多的插件比如SEO工具条:SEOquake、META SEO inspector、5118站长工具箱 - 必备SEO插件等等,今天小编有给大家带来了一款可以快速分析某个网页的标题、链结、图片、社群网站等等资讯是否正确的...


2022/4/10 21:26:58  Posted by 油猴

全能看图插件背景简介 作为一名图片爱好者,经常会从互联网上下载图片,如果只是一张图片通常我们会使用右键另存为来完成,如果是很多图片的情况下,我们会使用图片助手(ImageAssistant)、PinDown Free:批量下载图片、Imageye - 批量下载网页上的图片等插件下载。日常我们还会需要屏幕截图,这时我们会使用ShareX - 强大的截图软件、Full Page Screen Capture、Lightshot V6.3.0 截图工具等截图工具,而今天小编为大家介绍的插件具备上述两...

Koala Inspector 2.25 -

2022/4/10 21:26:45  Posted by 油猴

Koala Inspector Description: Shopify Inspector - Inspect Shopify ShopsShopify Secrets Revealed - Free Forever!The Best Ecommerce Tool - Must Have for Every DropshipperShopify Inspector provides you all the secrets behind every Shopify store.In one click you reveal all the methods the store owner ...

Minto 1.1.3 - Free Prod

2022/4/10 21:26:33  Posted by 油猴

Minto Description: Finding the motivation to work can be difficult. Minto redefines productivity, by keeping track of your work through mints. Earn a mint for every minute of work. Spend mints on rewards you create. Customize rewards and prices to maximize your productivity.Features- customizable...

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