AutoRename 3.0.0 - Free Productivity chrome插件 2022/4/10 21:27:24 作者:tampermonkey
AutoRename Description: Files that you download from the internet often have file names that make no sense. Love to save images from Twitter? Want to save them with a file name that is much more functional? This is the extension that can do it for you. FEATURES- Rename Twitter image files to include mention symbol, username, tweet id, or date (with various date formats)- View and Download the highest image quality from Twitter- Compatible with Microsoft Edge (Chromium) and Google Chrome.- Open Sourced on GitHubCHANGELOGVersion 1.3.1 (Oct. 13, 2019)Sponsored Links
- Added debug flagVersion 1.3.0 (Sep. 11, 2019)- Localization Implementation (See GitHub repository for translation instructions)- Context menu items can dynamically update depending on the URL- Bug fixes*As of Version 1.3.0, Twitter is the only supported website by this extension. Other websites soon to follow. To keep up with development, please visit the GitHub Repository. may submit bugs and feature requests there.