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Powtoon Capture for Bus

2022/4/10 23:18:47  Posted by 油猴

Powtoon Capture for Business Description: Powtoon Capture is a free screen and webcam recorder that allows you, your team and your employees to easily record your screen, face, or both. What can you do with Powtoon Capture For Business: Record a video message from a website, application, or any...

IEability - Fr

2022/4/10 23:17:54  Posted by 油猴

IEability Description: IEability is a wonderful Chrome extension which allows you to run an Internet Explorer window within Google Chrome, allowing you to at least stick to only one browser.IEability uses the IE (Internet Explorer) rendering engine to simulate IE in Chrome and open web pages in I...

ConXhub 2.0.3 - Free Pr

2022/4/10 23:17:36  Posted by 油猴

ConXhub Description: A ConXhub Call Centre widget to allow Agents to manage Inbound & Held Calls via their connected device.The Widget lists each Inbound Call with; Callers Phone Number, Called Number & Identifier Name and uses a coloured dot to determine current status:Blue - Call on Hol...

Templates 0.9 - Free Pr

2022/4/10 23:16:39  Posted by 油猴

Templates Description: Write messages faster!This extension allows you to save frequently used text as templates. Just save template in extension and assign shortcut message for it.After that in any textfield you can write this shortcut, press tab button - and shortcut will be replaced by your te...

NFT Guard 1.6 - Free Sh

2022/4/10 23:15:46  Posted by 油猴

NFT Guard Description: NFT Guard protects you from fraudulent NFT collections on OpenSea and scam NFT mint sites that are trying to steal your wallet and coins.Coming from the developer of Fakespot, the ultimate consumer protector company. The rise in fraud on NFT marketplaces is skyrocketing and...

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