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Content Edit & Blur

2022/4/10 22:10:21  Posted by 油猴

Content Edit & Blur插件背景简介 通常来说网页是不具有编辑功能的除非网页确实有这样的需求,比如:博客编辑、QQ空间发布日志等。在没有富文本编辑器的情况下我们要想编辑网页就只能使用一些插件的来完成,同样网页也不具备模糊功能,想要将网页模糊的话也需要插件的帮助,但是上述的问题需要两个插件来完成,而且在使用时还要更换插件很麻烦,今天小编就给大家推荐一款具有网页编辑和模糊功能的插件Content Edit & Blur。 Content Edit & Blur...

Desmos Graphing Calcula

2022/4/10 22:10:06  Posted by 油猴

Desmos Graphing Calculator插件背景简介 孩子的学习一直是家长重视的问题,现在的学生不仅要上学校,放学后还要上各种各样的补习班,填鸭式的教育让学生苦不堪扰,尤其是数学那是要靠理解的不像语文和英语那样死记硬背就能的,如果能通过自己动手操作和理解相结合的方式来教育孩子可以很好的学习数学还会让孩子增添对数学的兴趣,今天小编就为推荐一款可以更好帮助学生探索数学的插件Desmos Graphing Calculator插件。 Desmos Graphing Calc...

Jirasupport Admin Tools

2022/4/10 22:09:51  Posted by 油猴

Jirasupport Admin Tools for JIRA Cloud Description: With this JIRA add-on your JIRA Administrators will be more happier! This is an extension for your JIRA to automatize some typical admin actions, like search for custom field, for workflow, for DVCS repository, for IssueType, to put a countdown ...

Salesflare CRM Sidebar

2022/4/10 22:09:37  Posted by 油猴

Salesflare CRM Sidebar Description: Salesflare is the easy to use and automated CRM startups and small businesses love to use. It's a zero-input sales pipeline tool that thinks and works for its user, not the other way around.No more manual data entry. Salesflare fills out your address book and k...

Auto Time Zone Converte

2022/4/10 22:09:22  Posted by 油猴

Auto Time Zone Converter Description: 1. Automatically detects time in the websites you visit and converts it into your local or a custom destination time.2. Works perfectly fine on the web, Gmail, Online Outlook, etc.3. Detects different timezones with the same abbreviation4. Accounts for daylig...

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