WebScheduler -
WebScheduler Description: This extension opens a page automatically on time which you scheduled. ...
WebScheduler Description: This extension opens a page automatically on time which you scheduled. ...
ShakeToPinTab插件背景简介当我们使用浏览器查资料时,通常会打开许多标签页,但标签页过多会被压缩折叠到只留下一个小图标,很难进行分辨。因此我们为大家推荐了很多标签管理插件,比如Tabs Manager - 标签管理器、GraphiTabs - 标签管理插件、Tabtation - 浏览器多标签页管理等等,让我们轻松管理打开的许多标签页,但是做事情总有失误的时候,比如当我们在写东西的时候想要将一些不需要的标签页关闭时不小心将自己在写的标签页关闭了,因此谷歌推出来标签页固定功能,只需右键...
Robinhood Realized Earnings & CSV File Export Description: * Get the Year-To-Date Returns from your Robinhood Stocks buy/sell activity* Download your stocks buy/sell history as a CSV file* Keep a tab on your earnings* Quickly search through your stocks buy/sell historyCurrently Unsupported -*...
Voice Text Editor插件背景简介 当我们办公时会需要输入文件,但在电脑上我们只能使用键盘输入,但手动输入不仅耗时耗力还不能持久,毕竟输入时间过长手会酸,在这种情况下我们会使用语音转文字工具来进行文字的录入,比如我们介绍过的VoiceIn - 语音识别插件、讯飞语记就是这样的工具,今天小编又发现一款这样的插件,它的名字是Voice Text Editor插件。 Voice Text Editor插件简介 Voice Text Editor插件是一款通过讲话创建文档和笔记的插件,可以...
Mailbutler for Gmail Description: Supercharge Gmail with Mailbutler, a powerful assistant that helps you instantly manage emails easier, save time and work less.?Featured on Lifehacker, Macwelt, Macstories, Macworld…?Fully compatible with popular productivity apps: Trello, Todoist, Wunderlist, Ev...