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Switchboard 1.1.4 - Fre

2022/4/11 0:33:21  Posted by 油猴

Switchboard Description: Switchboard is a Google Chrome browser Extension that will ease the day-to-day efforts of working with any tag management system. Product Managers, Developers, and QA teams will also benefit from its power to customize any tag network request.- For Adobe, it will detect y...

Spotify Web Player Hotk

2022/4/11 0:32:40  Posted by 油猴

Spotify Web Player Hotkeys Description: Adds the following default keyboard shortcuts to open.spotify.com: Play/Pause media key: play, pause Previous media key: previous track Next media key: next trackThere is no default shortcut, but you can also bind keys for: Toggle shuffleSponsor...

Course Hero Search Butt

2022/4/11 0:32:16  Posted by 油猴

Course Hero Search Button Description: Instantly search through millions of crowdsourced study resources. Whether you’re conducting research on the library’s website or scrolling endlessly through cat memes, use the browser button to quickly search Course Hero and find all the study help you need...

Bilibili Download Helpe

2022/4/11 0:31:40  Posted by 油猴

Bilibili Download Helper Description: 1. 视频下载 1. 支持 哔哩哔哩或B站 视频下载 2. 腾讯视频下载. 3. 微博视频下载. 4. 知乎视频下载.Sponsored Links 5. 豆瓣视频下载.2.书签管理美化书签展示及书签管理3.插件管理美化插件展示及插件管理 ...

原神官方论坛自动签到 3.2 - Free P

2022/4/11 0:31:21  Posted by 油猴

原神官方论坛自动签到 Description: 安裝的當天不會簽到哦,要隔天開始才會~*請記得先登入*自動簽到,省去每天還要簽到的麻煩每日00:05自動開啟簽到網頁並簽到(可自由調整簽到時間) ...

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