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ScrollMaps 3.5.0 - Free

2022/4/10 22:56:20  Posted by 油猴

ScrollMaps Description: Install ScrollMaps and you can use two-finger scroll in Google Maps?. Now works in the redesigned Google Maps? too. It's designed for Mac trackpads but because of the simple mechanism, it should work on all trackpads, or even a Magic Mouse. To zoom in the maps, use the pin...


2022/4/10 22:56:04  Posted by 油猴

最近有很多朋友反馈说速盘和Pan Download已经无法实现有效加速下载,即使可以加速下载,也需要登入百度云账号,而随之带来的后果就是很有可能被度盘官方拉入黑名单,从而进一步导致你的龟速下载!如果你坚持使用pandownload可以参考我们之前有介绍过pandownload下载速度慢?试试以下几种方法。而在看到速盘今天弹出的更新说明,更让很多人绝望! 哈哈!一定要强行登入才能下载看到没,第四条是不是有点开始怀疑人生了。那么到底该怎么办呢?作为一名高效的上网达人,我们怎么能忍?...


2022/4/10 22:55:47  Posted by 油猴

什么是Postman Collection? Postman Collection是可让您将各个请求分组在一起。 您可以将这些请求组织到文件夹中。中文经常将collection翻译成收藏夹。如果再下文中看到这样的翻译不要觉得意外。Postman Collection会使你的工作效率更上一层楼。Postman Collection可以让单个的request分组在一起,这些request可以被进一步的管理到文件夹来更准确的反应你的API。request也可以在保存到收藏夹时存储response例子...

JSON Viewer 2.0.0 - Fre

2022/4/10 22:55:30  Posted by 油猴

JSON Viewer Description: Open source JSON viewerFEATURES ? JSON & JSONP support ? Syntax highlighting ? Collapsible trees, with indent guidesSponsored Links ? Clickable URLs ? Toggle between raw and parsed JSONSource: https://github.com/timleland/Json-Viewer-Ext...

TypeGenie for Zendesk 1

2022/4/10 22:55:13  Posted by 油猴

TypeGenie for Zendesk Description: TypeGenie is a productivity tool that helps you and the team to increase your productivity in Zendesk Support by up to 20%. This is done by:1) Providing relevant completions to your repetitive sentences2) Recommending which Zendesk macros to use for any Zendesk ...

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