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Search Box Focus 0.3.5

2022/4/10 23:28:48  Posted by 油猴

Search Box Focus Description: You hate taking your hand off the keyboard all the time only to access the search bar of the website you’re visiting?You’d love to simply press Tab or a custom shortcut to focus the search field and start typing right away without ever using your mouse?“Search Box Fo...


2022/4/10 23:28:30  Posted by 油猴

Fiddler是一个HTTP调试抓包工具。它通过代理的方式获取程序http通讯的数据,可以用其检测网页和服务器的交互情况,Fiddler可以帮您记录,调试Microsoft Internet Explorer与Web应用程序的交互,找到Web程序运行性能的瓶颈,还有如查看向Web服务器发送cookies的内容。今天小编为大家介绍一下Fiddler调试抓包工具的使用方法。 抓包工具Fiddler的下载 1.点击下载fiddler(for Mac) 2.点击下载fiddler ...

Better Ruler 1.2.19 - F

2022/4/10 23:28:12  Posted by 油猴

Better Ruler Description: A web ruler can snap around web elements for easier measurement.- Click on the plugin icon to start the measurement. Click again to exit the measurement.- Hold down the `Alt` key(`Option`, if it's mac) while moving the mouse to display the size of the element at the curr...


2022/4/10 23:27:53  Posted by 油猴

一、Postman 1、简介 Postman是一款功能强大的网页调试与发送网页HTTP请求的工具。用于API测试的工具。在我们平时开发中,特别是需要与接口打交道时,无论是写接口还是用接口,拿到接口后肯定都得提前测试一下。我们可以用来很方便的模拟get或者post或者其他方式的请求来调试接口。在Postman中,请求可以保存,也就类似于文件。 2、Postman的操作环境 postman适用于不同的操作系统,Postman Mac、Windows X32、Windows X64、Lin...

IN2IT Social 3.0.9 - Fr

2022/4/10 23:27:36  Posted by 油猴

IN2IT Social Description: Woody Social is the unique solution provided by Woody Technologies to search from various social networks, storage platforms and websites. ...

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