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Stylish 2.1.1 - Free Ac

2022/4/10 23:34:46  Posted by 油猴

Stylish Description: Stylish lets you style the web according to your personal taste.★ Give Reddit a dark mode, use minimalist Facebook themes, or change the look of Google, Twitter and any of your favorite sites★ Customize website backgrounds, color schemes, youtube skins, fonts and even anima...


2022/4/10 23:34:29  Posted by 油猴

通过Project Strobe, Google正在对第三方开发人员访问个人数据进行“根本和分支审查”。今年5月,该公司宣布该计划将关注Chrome扩展计划,新政策将于今年10月生效。谷歌今天发布了开发商今年晚些时候必须遵守的两项新的Chrome网上应用店政策。过去,只鼓励扩展“请求访问最少量的数据。”现在这是所有第三方浏览器工具和实用程序的要求。同时,处理个人通信和用户提供的内容的扩展必须发布隐私政策。此规则以前仅适用于处理个人和敏感用户数据的Chrome加载项。当然,扩展必须继续透明地处理用...


2022/4/10 23:34:10  Posted by 油猴

20201231更新:本站不提供相关HOST pixiv是一款非常不错的看漫画软件,如果你经常使用p站会发现p站打不开了。是的,pixiv在十周年庆典后,又一次退出了中国,目前国内已经无法登陆浏览了,必须使用国外的IP访问。不是你本地设备网络或者DNS的问题,而是现在需要连接到国际网络才能访问pixiv。关键是这个到底要怎么解决呢?小编这就带你访问p站,并推荐一些好用的p站工具。 Pixiv电脑端修改hosts访问 电脑端通过修改hosts就可以访问哦,方法参照:P站上不去...

Better ROBLOX Logo 2.0

2022/4/10 23:33:52  Posted by 油猴

Better ROBLOX Logo Description: Pretty much this just brings back the old logo on the ROBLOX website. It also gives you the ability to have a signature. I plan on re-adding TIX on the top right using a top-secret ROBLOX API. ...

soLucky 4.11 - Free Sea

2022/4/10 23:33:34  Posted by 油猴

soLucky Description: soLucky Helps you Navigate the Internet Faster!With soLucky, Chrome searches take you immediately to the top site—without waiting for the full search result, without seeing all those ads, and without clicking one more time. Better yet, you still have access to the next 3 top...

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