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BT Cloud Work for Micro

2022/4/11 0:00:51  Posted by 油猴

BT Cloud Work for Microsoft 365 Description: BT Cloud Phone for Office 365 transforms your Microsoft Office 365 cloud work environment into an enterprise-grade communications hub.? Make and receive calls, send and receive business SMS directly from the Office 365 outlook on the web interface.? Ac...

Google Chrome浏览器新功能即将上线

2022/4/11 0:00:31  Posted by 油猴

近期上线的Canary通道版Chrome浏览器中,谷歌已经引入了名为“群组标签”(Group Tabs)的新选项,有望在近期登陆正式版中。顾名思义,该功能允许用户对类似的选项卡进行分组,为那些经常打开多个标签页的用户提供更好的标签管理功能。目前该功能的相关选项已经出现在设置中,但实际功能并未上线。关于群组标签的代码Commit上写道:“实现标签页右键菜单选项--添加标签页至新群组功能。go/chrome-tab-groups-design”。这个设计原型允许用户通过标签页右键菜单创建和操作多个标...

Qalam 0.14.33 - Free Pr

2022/4/11 0:00:12  Posted by 油猴

Qalam Description: Qalam is your smart writing assistant. Qalam Chrome Extension will enhance your writing by checking the spell mistakes and suggest appropriate words depending on the context of the text?? Why Qalam?Do you face trouble writing a free misspelled Arabic text? Qalam will help you ...

Reachdesk 1.7.0 - Free

2022/4/10 23:59:51  Posted by 油猴

Reachdesk Description: Send gift cards, custom packages, handwritten letters and more directly from the Reachdesk extension - customize everything to match your company's style.Reachdesk will automatically connect with your CRM leads and contacts, and track all activities back. ...


2022/4/10 23:59:32  Posted by 油猴

pandownload是我们会经常用到的工具,小伙伴们用pandownload来进行保存和下载东西都是很方便的,可是有时候下载东西账号会被限速,明明下的好好的就变成龟速很头疼有木有,那么遇到这种情况该怎么办呢?感兴趣的小伙伴跟小编一起来看一看吧。 使用pandownload下载出现"该账号已被限速"的解决方法 第一步,下载一个速盘,不论版本,能用就行。 第二步,打开盘,登陆账号,选择自己要下载的文件。 第三步,如果1步骤你是要下载自己盘里的文件,先选中文件,鼠标右键选择分享文件,这个时...

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