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CoScreen 0.0.4 - Free P

2022/4/11 0:04:09  Posted by 油猴

CoScreen Description: The CoScreen Chrome Extension makes it even easier for you to collaborate with your team like never before:- Schedule collaboration sessions via CoScreen with a single click- Make any Google Calendar meeting a CoScreen meeting with a single clickCoScreen enables...- Super ea...


2022/4/11 0:03:49  Posted by 油猴

Peggo.tv 可能算得上是这几年最多人使用的 YouTube视频下载工具,可在线上将 YouTube上下载是视频转为常用的 MP3、MP4 格式,因为界面简单、亦能快速解决使用者遇到的影片下载问题,受到许多人喜爱,甚至后来还推出行动装置专用的 Peggo for Android 应用程序。不过 Peggo 上个月底突然宣布结束服务,原因在于这项服务无法遵守美国唱片业协会(RIAA)版权法规要求,实际情形网站并没有多做说明,但未来势必得寻找其他替代方案。 近年许多类似服务都走上关闭一...


2022/4/11 0:03:30  Posted by 油猴

Postman安装 本文只是基于 Chrome 浏览器的扩展插件来进行的安装,并非单独应用程序。 首先,你要台电脑,其次,安装有 Chrome浏览器,那你接着往下看吧。 1. 官网安装(别看) 打开官网,https://www.getpostman.com 点击那个灰灰色的「Chrome App (Free)」按钮。正常情况会跳转到Chrome网上应用店界面,但是,由于,嗯,你懂的!你一般看到的是第二张图片的样子,到处充满着忧伤... 先请擦掉眼泪,不要忧伤,我们依...

W.Beautifier 6.0.19 - F

2022/4/11 0:03:10  Posted by 油猴

W.Beautifier Description: ———————————————————LEGAL———————————————————WhatsApp? is a trademark of WhatsApp Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. This is an independent project developed by ChanPete and has no relationship to WhatsApp? or WhatsApp Inc.Sponsored Links —————————...

ZeroBlur 1.2.0 - Free P

2022/4/11 0:02:50  Posted by 油猴

ZeroBlur Description: Blur any sensitive information from any website or web app. Keep data safe when delivering demos or recording videos!Have you ever recorded a product demo just to realize it contains sensitive data, like personal emails or your customers' data?It happens all the time in most...

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