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Podcasts 2.7.8 - Free S

2022/4/10 21:02:43  Posted by 油猴

Podcasts Description: Main Features:- Create your podcasts playlist.- Manage podcasts subscriptions elegantly.- Synchronize your subscriptions across platforms.- Auto renew podcasts' published episodes.- Download audio tracks in any podcasts.- Transcribe podcast to textPrivacy:- "Access your...


2022/4/10 21:02:32  Posted by 油猴

亲查查插件背景简介 网络购物已是一种常见现象,但是总会有一群黑心用户喜欢爱给差评、恶意退款、爱找茬等不文明的行为,给卖家造成金钱和名誉上的损失,那怎样才能避免此类黑心用户呢,不妨试试亲查查插件吧! 亲查查插件简介 亲查查插件是一款专为淘宝端店主开发的甄别买家信誉的插件,主要识别恶意打假、抽检、刷单黑号、爱给差评、恶意退款、爱找茬等行为。使用该插件后就可以侦测出买家平时的购物行为,一旦被纳入亲查查的买家征信平台,卖家在销售推广产品的时候就可以识别哪些买家是不是真心买家,避免给卖家造成名誉上的损失...

AdGuard Extra 1.0.331 -

2022/4/10 21:02:21  Posted by 油猴

AdGuard Extra Description: AdGuard Extra is a browser extension that is supposed to fight ad blocking circumvention attempts which become more and more popular. Regular ad blocking rules do not allow us being as flexible as it's necessary, that's why AdGuard Extra was developed.## ImportantAdGuar...

Online Screen Recorder插

2022/4/10 21:02:09  Posted by 油猴

Online Screen Recorder插件背景简介 随着新媒体的发展,一张图片已经满足不了用户的需求了,所以写博客或工作等原因,经常需要录制屏幕,有的还需要将视频制作成gif图。大多数人会使用第三方电脑软件来进行屏幕录制和编辑,比如KK录像机 - 视频录制软件、ShowMore - 简单的屏幕录制工具、FastStone Capture等等,但这样不仅占用电脑空间,还会增加操作难度,其实屏幕录制只需要通过一个简单轻巧的浏览器插件就能够实现,比如Screen to GIF - 专用于GIF...

Leenker 1.3 - Free Prod

2022/4/10 21:01:58  Posted by 油猴

Leenker Description: Leenker's extension exists to make it easier for you as an user to add new links to your folders and profile, in this way, you don't have to go all the way to the page (leenker.com) every time you find an interesting link that you want to save or share. ...

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