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Bookee 1.1.17 - Free Pr

2022/4/10 21:07:35  Posted by 油猴

Bookee Description: ---We all use our Bookmarks and Bookmarks Tab. But it can get super-busy: too many bookmarks, and losing track of what we've bookmarked.Bookee was designed to access and search through your bookmarks instantly: just press the Command+K shortcut, and Bookee will pop right up. S...


2022/4/10 21:07:23  Posted by 油猴

Utilitool插件背景简介 如今用户都习惯了在网上使用搜索自己想要的资料,我们网站就介绍过很多的跟搜索有关插件,比如超级搜索,chrome搜索插件:Simple = Select + Search,Google Quick Scroll等等。今天小编又带来了一款可更改您的Chrome浏览器的默认搜索的插件——Utilitool。 Utilitool插件简介Utilitool插件是一个单一目的的插件,使用后可更改您的Chrome浏览器的默认搜索。 由Yahoo!提供支持的优化搜索结果,它是“...

TTS Ebook Reader 0.2.20

2022/4/10 21:07:11  Posted by 油猴

TTS Ebook Reader Description: Welcome to the TTS Ebook Reader# TTS Ebook Reader'TTS Ebook Reader' is a Chrome extension powered by Google Text to Speech Engine, turns your favorite ebook into an audible book, you can enjoy listening while reading the book.It supports the following popular ebook s...


2022/4/10 21:06:58  Posted by 油猴

图流-看图助手插件背景简介 许多漫画网站会以一个页面一张图片的形式将漫画发布,这样看完一个系列手都要废了,而许多图片网站的图片通常会以缩略图的形式呈现,想要点开大图浏览非常麻烦,在加上想要将图片或漫画下载下来,一张一张的点击保存会给我们增加许多无意义的工作量。今天小编就为大家推荐一款可以解决上述问题的插件图流-看图助手插件。 图流-看图助手插件解简介 图流-看图助手插件是由photo-masonry.aacc.in发布的一款可以聚合当前网页上的所有图片的幻灯片看图工具,支持微博、知乎、豆瓣,以...

beGalileo 5 - Free Deve

2022/4/10 21:06:46  Posted by 油猴

beGalileo Description: beGalileo eLearning Extension which helps to record the live class and upload. ...

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