TabExtend 1.7.5 - Free
TabExtend Description: Quickly declutter your everyday workspace by dragging and dropping your tabs into spaces. Easily add notes and to-dos, save text-snippets, all in your new tab.Read more at ...
TabExtend Description: Quickly declutter your everyday workspace by dragging and dropping your tabs into spaces. Easily add notes and to-dos, save text-snippets, all in your new tab.Read more at ...
Save Chrome Tabs For Later插件背景简介 当我们在网页上搜索资料时,往往会打开许多标签页,而标签页过多会被压缩折叠到只留下一个小图标,很难进行分辨,还会拖慢电脑的运行速度,当你想要删除的时候又怕过后找不到,这时你可以将这些标签页全部加入书签然后删除,但这样一个一个的加非常麻烦,我们以前介绍过一款可以一键保存所有标签页的插件Save my Tabs,今天小编又给大家带来了一款有相似功能的插件Save Chrome Tabs For Later。 Save Chrome T...
nuTab插件背景简介 新标签页是一个神奇的地方,许多的开发者喜欢将自己喜欢的元素添加到新标签页中,因此诞生了许许多多的新标签页插件,小编就为大家介绍过许多,比如Infinity 新标签页(Pro)、Currently:简约优美的Chrome新标签页、Palettab:显示随机色彩字体等,今天小编介绍的又是一款新标签页插件,它的名字叫nuTab。 nuTab插件简介 nuTab插件是一款将便签、网页书签、任务集于一体的新标签页插件,你可以在新标签页顶部放置喜欢的网页书签,其余的部分就可以添加便...
GoHire Text Recruiting Description: The fastest way to connect with your candidates and clients.Text Messages have a 97% open rate compare to email @14%.GET FAST RESPONSES!INTEGRATES WITH YOUR CRM & ATS!Automate processes with chatbot integrations.Use GoHire with Apply-By-Text to Acquire, Eng...
Sortd for Gmail Description: OVERVIEWSortd is the first ever smart skin for Gmail. It enhances your Gmail experience, providing a seamless, intuitive way to plan and prioritize emails & tasks in a single Gmail workspace.FEATURES* Works inside Gmail (no need to switch to another app for your ...