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Clean My History :一键从浏览

2022/4/10 21:17:15  Posted by 油猴

Clean My History扩展背景介绍 NSFW这个名词你听说过吗?NSFW的全名是「Not Safe/Suitable For Work」,简单的说是不适合在工作场合中所浏览的内容,如果你有浏览NSFW网站的习惯,一定知道浏览器自带的「无痕模式」相当有用,开启无痕式视窗不会留下浏览记录和网站资料,也可以避免同电脑上其他使用者在输入网址或打开历史记录时出现,否则就必须手动删除。但也不是每次浏览都会记得打开无痕模式,若不想留下记录,或是不想把浏览历史通通删除,有没有更快的方法呢?本文要推荐...

Genei 0.5.19 - Free Pro

2022/4/10 21:17:03  Posted by 油猴

Genei Description: genei is an AI-powered productivity tool which enables users to automatically summarise webpages or PDFs as they browse.Start bringing AI into your workflow today for FREE at https://www.genei.io With the click of a button, users can break down an article, paper, or report into...

Episodes Tracker 3.0.0

2022/4/10 21:16:51  Posted by 油猴

Episodes Tracker Description: Watch your favorite TV shows.Want an easy way to watch all your favorite TV shows in one place? This extension does just that!Feature:* Shows the air dates from the previous and next episode* Easily add or remove TV drama series* Episode dates are updated daily* Sort...

Bring Google View Image

2022/4/10 21:16:39  Posted by 油猴

背景介绍 谷歌图片搜索查看图片扩展 由于被出版商和内容供应商指出侵犯版权,Google 图片搜索移除了原本在图片搜索结果中的查看图片功能,带来了许多不便,有需求就有方案。 本文要介绍的Bring Google View Image Back 扩展能够将查看图片这一实用功能找回来,方便了用户查看原图地址。 之前介绍的View Image 这款扩展也是同样的功能,不仅找回了【查看图片】还有【以图搜图】。 谷歌浏览器图片查看器扩展 以下2款是Chrome浏览器中的图片查看器插件,可以增强Chrome...

Ensemble Video Recorder

2022/4/10 21:16:22  Posted by 油猴

Ensemble Video Recorder Description: Easily create screen and webcam recordings on any computer with the Chrome browser. Then upload and instantly share your video using the Ensemble Video Platform. Ensemble Video is a turnkey video platform that streamlines video capture, video management and vi...

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