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Google Meet Attendance:

2022/4/10 21:29:32  Posted by 油猴

Google Meet Attendance: Participants to CSV Description: An easy to use extension for instantly saving the names of your meeting participants to a CSV file. It doesn't change your meet window in any way so it assures you an uninterrupted meeting while the extension can be used anytime.WORKS WITH ...

Host AdBlocker 0.2.1 -

2022/4/10 21:29:19  Posted by 油猴

Host AdBlocker Description: an ad-blocker add-on that uses host matching instead of RegExp matching to increase performance and reduce memory usage.When a new resource is requested the extension matches its hostname to the list of known advertisement or analytic sources. If the hostname matches t...


2022/4/10 21:29:07  Posted by 油猴

爱招聘插件背景简介 对于公司的招聘人员来说,当公司需要招聘员工时他们会到招聘网站发出招聘信息等待别人投简历,然后在从简历中需找到时候公司的员工,但使用这种方式来招聘员工十分的麻烦,因此帮助招聘人员招聘员工的软件就诞生了,比如小编为大家推荐的简历小猎手插件,今天小编有为大家带来了一款招聘助手爱招聘插件。 爱招聘插件简介 爱招聘插件是一款最高效、最智能的HR招聘工具,整合搜索多个招聘渠道,100%原站点搜索结果,实时监控渠道中新增的程序员简历,根据招聘需求为你精准推荐,第一时间...

Burp Suite Navigation R

2022/4/10 21:28:54  Posted by 油猴

Burp Suite Navigation Recorder Description: Burp Suite Navigation Recorder is a Chrome extension that enables you to record complex navigation sequences, such as SSO logins, using your browser. You can then import the recording into Burp Suite Professional and Burp Suite Enterprise so that any fu...


2022/4/10 21:28:42  Posted by 油猴

Kanbanly插件背景简介 我们想要把每天工作和学习的内容办的井井有条就需要对每天所做的事情做一个记录,还要对未来数天的事情做一个计划,以前我们使用笔记本来记录,但在计算机数字化时代,我们更应该利用这一优势来更加简单和智能地管理我们的待办事项。我们以前为大家推荐过Todoist插件、Taskade for Chrome、马克计划等等,今天小编又发现了一款这样的插件分享给大家,它就是Kanbanly插件。 Kanbanly插件简介 Kanbanly插件是一款使用可视看板来管...

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