Download Manager 3.0.0 - Free Productivity 插件 2022/4/11 0:02:11 作者:tampermonkey
Download Manager Description: Replaces the chrome downloads bar with a material design download manager extension. QUICK START INSTRUCTIONS- Click on a card to open the finished download or shift click to open the folder it was saved to.- Use the controls to pause, resume, or cancel a download in progress.- Hover over a card and click the cross to dismiss it from the list or shift click to delete the file from your computer. - Click the open icon on the toolbar to open the chrome downloads page.PERMISSIONS REQUIREDDownloads - for obvious reasonsStorage - used to save your settingsTabs - used to switch to or open tabs when you click on linksThe only data stored by this extension are your settings and any information Google may require for extension APIs to work. It doesn't connect to any external resource (other than fetching the roboto font) and only stores download information locally for the length of your session. UPDATE LOG + AddedSponsored Links
? Changed - RemovedV1.1 - Notifications + Notification support Settings ? Enable notifications - Enable omnibox integration [disabled]V1.0 - Initial release + Popup which displays downloads + Badge showing state of downloads + Settings page Settings + Enable notifications [disabled] + Enable omnibox integration [disabled] + Use default download UI + Use binary units