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Lexmark Cloud Print Management - Free Productivity 插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/10 23:53:29      作者:tampermonkey
Lexmark Cloud Print Management Description: ATTENTION: The Lexmark Cloud Print Management for Chrome extension will only work if the end user has a valid Lexmark Cloud Services contract with Lexmark. NOTE: This version of Lexmark Cloud Print Management for Chrome defaults to the EU datacenter. Links for the properly configured extension are available through the Lexmark Cloud Print Management portal. Cloud Print Management for Chrome is part of the Lexmark Cloud Print Management solution. The Cloud Print Management for Chrome extension provides access from the Google Chrome browser to Lexmark's Cloud Print Management for printing. Sponsored Links Instead of sending documents through a print server to a designated print device— where the pages sit out in public view until they are retrieved—they are transferred to the Lexmark Cloud where they are held in a personal queue until the user logs in or swipes their badge (authenticates) at the printer.For more information on Lexmark Cloud Services, go to https://www.lexmark.com/en_us/solutions/lexmark-cloud-services.html To view the End User License Agreement, go to https://lexmark.com/LXKCloudChromeExt-eula