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Rollyt 2.1.1 - Free Fun 插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/10 23:52:52      作者:tampermonkey
Rollyt Description: Realtime Remote Playlist Queue for YoutubeThe ultimate party playlist for Youtube. Remotely collaborate on a playlist with friends, in realtime and on the fly!No account needed to join the party! Just scan the QR code and you're good to go!You can also invite a friend to join by send the playlist queue link via any chat app.PERFECT FOR:?? Karaoke PartyTurn your phone into songbook and queue songs while singing.?? Bar & Club Music PartySponsored Links Share your best sound system to people who wants to party with their own type of music, and make them the DJ!? Cafe & Restaurant Music VideoOpen your TV screen to customers and let theme queue their favorite music videos.??? Shop Public MusicLet your shoppers relax with their own favorite music.?? Home Music PartyQueue your music from every corner in your house.LINKS:Website: https://https://rollyt.herokuapp.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rollyt.queue