Pixiv Toolkit 5.5.3 - Free Accessibility 插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/ 2022/4/10 21:53:03 作者:tampermonkey
Pixiv Toolkit Description: Convert the ugoira on Pixiv to GIF or WebM file, and pack the images of manga to download and download novel. The extension can also save your ugoira/manga visit history(Up to 10K items).Notice:This extension will work properly after you login to Pixiv.You can submit a issue on GitHub if you have any questions.Github:https://github.com/leoding86/webextension-pixiv-toolkit----------------------------------------------v3.2.1Fix issue about panel don't show after switching page.v3.2Add feature about generating apng;Remove download progress of downloading ugoira resource because Pixiv changes the method to get data;Minor fixes.v3.1Add settings about downloading novel;Add a setting to clear history data;Minor fix.v3.0.1 betaFix P* won't show up with some urls.v3.0 betaFix Pixiv new work url issue;Fix wrong datetime in zip file;Minor fixes.v2.7Add search suffix for searching popluar works (probably);Add image cache capability for illust history;Add an option to enable/disable save visit history.v2.6.4New feature: Add search feature for illusion history;Update illusion history page UI.v2.5.4Merge illusion history feature from Plus Addon;Minor fix.Some words:Maybe I'll price the extension in the future, I've not decided yet. But I'll keep the extension open-source, so you can download from my github page and install it manually.v2.4.3Download image not a zip file if there is only one picture in illusion set;Minor fix.v2.3.2Add setting about activating downloading panel automatically;Fix bugs.v2.2Fix the issue that the extension cannot work properly in old verison Chrome. Now it can works well on Chrome above version 49;Change file frames.json in zip file to file animiation.json;Add a feature about saving illust visit history. This feature require Pixiv Toolkit Plus Addon to activate.Notice:The feature about saving illust visit history will save the data in local, in other words, the data will save in your Chrome. So, if you uninstall the extension or uninstall Chrome, you will lose the history data. I'll rent a server to store the data if I have enough patrons. Before that moment, please take care of your data (I'll develop a feature about exporting history data before I can rent a server).v2.1.1Fix a bug about cannot save manga if user use default settings.v2.1Refactor extension and UI, if you find some issues please let me know;Recover the Manga Toolkit extension link.v2.0.5Add 'Asking where to save file before downloading' setting;Add 'Show change history when update completed' setting in change history page, avoid users don't see it;Add a link of new extension, you should try it out ヽ(^o^)ノ.v2.0.4Downloads settings can apply to all type downloads;Fix a bug about granting downloads permission to extension;Update sponsors list page.v2.0.3Add a setting to enable or disable show the history changes after update is complete;Add downloads settings for downloading manga and novel (The downloads settings need downloads permission, you can grant it to or remove it from the extension as you want);Add Patreon link (You can support me on Patreon now. Anyway thank you for using this extension).v2.0.2Add settings for downloading ugoira/manga when it's generated/packed;Fix bugs.v2.0.1Add selectable rename metas for renaming manga;Change extension icons;Fix bugs.v2.0.0Rename extension name to Pixiv Toolkit;Add feature for downloading novel;Fix bugs.v1.8.8Add option for setting each chunk size for packing manga;Fix a bug about packing incorrect manga page name.Sponsored Links
v1.8.7Fix issues with Pixiv updates.v1.8.6Fix ugoira convert buttons cannot display properly.v1.8.5Add a option for adding ugoira frames info into zip;Ugoira zip can be renamed;Fix bugs.v1.8.4Remove the permissions for testing some features that forgot to remove;Fix a bug that broken the extension.Notice: The zip download button now will display when the resource has downloaded, next version will add feature for renaming ugoira zip file.v1.8.3Update ugoira UI;Fix bugs.v1.8.2Fix bugs.v1.8.1Update setting styles;Fix bug.v1.8Refactor rename feature for easy use;Fix issue about missing buttons sometimes.v1.7.1:Fix manga rename settings display issue.v1.7:Add manga rename settings;Fix issue about missing file extension.v1.6.2:Reposition download/generate buttons.v1.6.1:Add a option to turn on/off extend gif duration function;Change default settings.v1.6:Add extend ugoira duration function (not avaliable for the old version pixiv for technical reseaon);Move settings page to extension options page from pop page and redesign settings page UI.v1.5.1:Add ugoira to gif quanlity setting. If you find color deviation in the gif, set ugoira quanlity to best should fix the issue.v1.5:Now it can work on new Pixiv site (with old site compatibility)v1.4.1:Fix the problem that cause generate gif or webm function broken.v1.4:Optimiza memory usage for downloading manga.v1.3:Refactor manga download implement to fix some issues;Change manga download UI.v1.2.1:Now extension can work currently.v1.2:New feature: Generate webm file.Remove japanese language support (Maybe someone can help me to translate).v1.1.4:Fix issue that manga cannot be downloaded.v1.1.3:Update button style.v1.1.2:Fix issue of sometimes display black frame in GIF.v1.1.1:Fix issue of cannot generate gif when user use newer Chrome.v1.1:Fix issue of cannot show button when user is not logined on Pixiv;Fix issue of cannot show button on new version site;Add setting, now you can set name of the gif file on setting page.v1.0.3:Fix issue of cannot download zip file when click the download zip buttonv1.0.2:Add Japanese language support.v1.0.1:Remove webNavigation permission.----------------------------------------------Please report bugs and tell me what you need. Thanks!