Auto Highlight 3.4.10 - Free Productivity 插件 2022/4/10 22:53:12 作者:tampermonkey
Auto Highlight Description: This extension automatically highlights the important content on article pages.It addresses *tl;dr* in a similar way to an article summarizer.To use, click the highlighter icon in the location bar. Clicking multiple times changes the highlighting coverage. As the page receives more highlighting from clicking the icon, the icon will show less available ink in the highlighter.Sponsored Links
Please let me know if you find particular pages where the extension does not work well. *Auto Highlight* currently uses an algorithm for picking important sentences based on term frequencies in the entire article. With examples of problematic pages, I can possibly improve the technology. I would also like to incorporate more advanced techniques from extraction-based article summarization research.The source code is available on GitHub: