Indeed 0.9.149 - Free Productivity 插件 2022/4/10 23:55:49 作者:tampermonkey
Indeed Description: Whether you're browsing jobs, submitting resumes, or interviewing for a job with employers, Indeed for Chrome keeps your job search organized. Save jobs from sites such as Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Monster. How It Works: ? Indeed for Chrome is totally free!? Save almost any job from across the web with one-click. ? Easily come back to jobs when you are ready to start the application process. Sponsored Links
? Track your progress by adding notes about which resume you used, interview times, and job details. ? Get real-time notifications to instantly know when employers message you. ? Manage the status of your saved jobs to quickly see where you applied, interviewed, and are waiting for offer.? Export all your saved jobs to a spreadsheet for easy, on-the-go use. ? Archive jobs you're no longer pursuing just in case you decide to revisit them again in the future.Good luck with your job search!