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Copy Text Easily 0.2.0 - Free Productivity 插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/11 0:15:09      作者:tampermonkey
Copy Text Easily Description: ????????????? ???????? ???????? ???????????? ????????????This extension helps you to copy any type of text with ease, and just with your mouse movements and clicks.In order to use this extension, first you should enable it from the extension options/menu. When you install this extension by default it gets enabled. If it's not enabled you can just click the toggle button to enable it in the extensions menu.You can copy the text in 3 different modes??. ??????????????????????. ????????????????????. ???????????? ??????????????????#?? ????????????????????When you select the paragraphs mode in the extension, you can hover your mouse on different paragraphs and whichever paragraph you want to copy, hover your mouse on it and then click. That's it, the paragraph gets copied to your clipboard. You can use the copied text to paste wherever you want.#?? ??????????????????When you select the sentences mode in the extension, you can hover your mouse on different paragraphs/text blocks and you can move your mouse on and off the text blocks until you see your desired sentence to copy in the ???????? ?????????????? ??????????????. Once you see your desired sentence in the text preview display you can click to copy that particular sentence. And that's how simple it is to copy any sentence.#?? ???????????? ??????????????????When you select the custom selection mode in the extension, you can just select your desired text on the webpage, it gets copied as soon as you select the text. With this mode, you never have to click Ctrl + C for copying text.?In all the copy modes, whenever text gets copied, you will see a short message that tells you if your text is copied.?? ???????????????? ????????The above all modes work instantly on all the pages when it is enabled. In order to activate the above modes conditionally on a certain keypress, you should enable the keypress mode from the bottom left toggle button in the extension's options.?When you enable the keypress mode and whichever key is selected from the dropdown menu 'Ctrl, Shift, Alt', will be used to activate the selection mode for copying text.?Sponsored Links By default 'Ctrl' key is selected, so when you press and hold the 'Ctrl' key, you can use the selected mode of the three for copying the text easily.????? ?????????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?????? ?????????????? ???????? ?????? ??????????????????:1. Reload the page that is having a problem2. Check if the extension is enabled3. Check if you have enabled the extension to work only on keypress4. Sometimes 'Shift' and 'Alt' keys might have problems, so try to select the 'Ctrl' key if you face any problemsIf you find any difficulty in any part of the usage of this extension or if you have any improvement suggestions, please feel free to send an email or write your feedback in the review box.?And if you like the extension then don't forget to share it with your friends.????????? ??????????????→ Now you can use Ctrl?+ C to copy the underlying text without clicking on the text.?→ This means you can use this extension for selecting the text, avoiding manual selection.→ This feature is useful to copy the link texts without clicking them.?? ????????:This is a very tiny-sized extension under 15Kb and completely runs in your browser without interacting with anything outside the browser, so truly and completely privacy protected. It's written in pure JavaScript without using any external libraries.?? ???????????? ????????????s→ Shows relevant message on copying formatted(code) text→ Enables Ctrl?+ C to copy text without clicking or selectingIf you liked this extension you can support me by buying a coffee. This helps to keep updating and developing more such interesting tools.??? ?????? ???? ?? ???????????? →?https://www.buymeacoffee.com/basharath