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Marina 0.4.4 - Free Productivity chrome插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/10 21:03:30      作者:tampermonkey
Marina Description: Marina is the ultimate gateway designed to access the Liquid Network directly from your browser.Liquid is a Bitcoin sidechain settlement network for traders and exchanges, enabling faster, more confidential Bitcoin transactions and issuance of digital assets.Marina is a browser extension designed to streamline access to Liquid and foster an even greater adoption of the network. It enables users to easily send and receive Liquid assets such as Liquid Bitcoin (L-BTC) and Tether USDt. Web developers can benefit from Marina integration as a plug-and-play solution to integrate Liquid Network into their browser applications.Sponsored Links Thanks to Marina, web applications can now automatically perform blockchain operations, such as fill the address fields and trigger the user to review and confirm and send transactions to the blockchain.We have integrated Liquid.Taxi, our Liquid fee top-up service, directly into Marina. Thanks to this integration, It will now be possible to move around your Liquid assets without having to spend L-BTC for transaction fees. Instead, fees can be paid directly with Tether USDt.