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Face-X 1.52 - Free Productivity chrome插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/10 18:06:09      作者:tampermonkey
Face-X Description: FACE-X is a Google Chrome extension made by boomix and BananaGaming that displays user stats from FACEIT.com on their Steam profile. Therefore it may be used as a shortcut to find more information quickly on the users FACEIT stats without having to go over to the platform.Extensions shows data as FACEIT level, elo, premium or not, when was the profile made, how many times the player has been afk, how many times player has left any FACEIT game and if player is banned or not on FACEIT.It works on any Steam profile, doesn't matter if it is private or not, as far as the Steam profile has been connected to FACEIT account, it will show data. Sponsored Links Is pretty useful if you want to understand how good the player is before adding him or easily find out if the player is smurf or not and how old is their steam account.1.4 added country flag support, new images for levels, average stats from last 20 games and bug fix where stats were not displayed if user was not logged in.1.5 fixed bug with comments not working, added text about last 20 matches, changed order of stats, removed console.log