Text Request 3.0.8 - Free Productivity 插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/ 2022/4/10 22:00:30 作者:tampermonkey
Text Request Description: Text Request is an online texting service for small and medium businesses. Our Chrome extension is for all Text Request users. To get an account, visit textrequest.com/pricing.With Text Request’s Chrome extension you can:? Start texting with your current business number and direct office lines? Send texts from any page on the webSponsored Links
? Click on any phone number to start a text conversation? Text directly from your CRM, email, and other sites without needing a formal integration? Keep up with incoming texts and reply as neededWith this extension, you can reach all the people you need to reach faster than ever before! For Text Request’s full set of features, solutions, and integrations, visit www.textrequest.com.