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Adjust Screen Brightness 0.2.2 - Free Accessibility 插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/10 21:54:15      作者:tampermonkey
Adjust Screen Brightness Description: This extension reduces the screen brightness level for both daytime and nighttime periods based on user-defined values. It is designed to reduce eyestrain while reading documents online. To enhance the usability the extension offers two different values for daytime and nighttime duration. Note: It is possible to have no effect on daytime duration by setting the brightness level to 100%Note: It is recommended to configure the start time for both daytime and nighttime. By default daytime starts at 08:00 and nighttime starts at 19:00.Sponsored Links Version Log:0.1.2:1. You can now increase or decrease the brightness level by setting keyboard shortcuts2. Print issue is fixed; this extension does not affect printing anymore