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Einote 1.0.3 - Free Productivity chrome插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/10 21:30:26      作者:tampermonkey
Einote Description: Einote is a Chrome extension that allows Internet users to take notes on the fly with their voice right from any webpage. Just navigate the Internet as always, and when you find something valuable, Einote it. The process is simple:1 - Visit Any Webpage2 - Take Notes3 - Review and Rearrange as you Need in your dashboardSponsored Links With Einote, we capture notes, you capture ideas.Concerned about security? We too!Learn more about our security best practices at einote.com/support#Np (permissions) and at einote.com/support#Acs (how we manage notes). Any question? We're here to help! Contact us in seconds at einote.com/contact.