SharePad News Highlighter 0.1 - Free Productivity chrome插件 2022/4/10 18:18:12 作者:tampermonkey
SharePad News Highlighter Description: SharePad News Highlighter is a quick Chrome Extension to highlight key words in SharePad Share News. I find it useful to highlight important words in company reports so I can quickly drill down to important information.USAGE:- Go to a News article in SharePad- Click the Text in the news article and keywords will be highlighted with a colour.The Current Keywords are:RED:- difficult- challenging- down by- unpredictable- lower- poor- difficult trading- tough- below expectationsSponsored Links
- deficitORANGE:- in line with expectations- cash- exceeding expectationsGREEN:- favourable- profit up- excellentBLUE:- debt- covenants- borrowingsIf you find it useful please let me know as if it is I will develop it a bit more to allow users to customise the words and highlight colour.