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McGaw.io Ab Testing Tracking Tool 2.1.1 - Free Productivity 插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/10 22:40:07      作者:tampermonkey
McGaw.io Ab Testing Tracking Tool Description: Calculate statistical significance without leaving your analytics, ppc, content or whatever tool.Calculating the significance of AB test results is always a hassle. Some analytics tools will attempt to tell you when significance has been reached, and others simply pretend it doesn’t matter. Using the Effin Amazing Statistical Significance Calculator you’ll be able to quickly determine whether your test results are significant - all from a simple chrome extension. Stop opening new tabs and searching for statistical significance calculators that are hard to use and harder to understand.Our Statistical Significance Calculator features:Sponsored Links A color coded bar that accompanies your significance value. See green and know that your results are conclusive.A direct comparison of conversion results. See in a simple percentage how much better one variant performed than the other.As a bonus, we’ll also calculate the conversion rate of each variant and share it with you.Have any questions or feedback? Let us know by emailing Dan@amazingcorps.com.