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JSON Formatter 2.0.0 - Free Developer Tools 插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/10 22:01:27      作者:tampermonkey
JSON Formatter Description: JSON Formatter formats and prettify JSON automatically in the chrome. It Comes with support for syntax highlighting and Both light and dark mode. It Also linkify the links in the JSON automatically and have both parsed and raw mode for ease of copying content. You can also toggle modes using shortcut keysParsed Mode: P keyRaw Mode: R keyToggle Dark Mode: D keyToggle Toolbar: T keyFeatures:● Dark Mode● Syntax Highlighting● Works Offline● Works with any JSON Webpage● Automatically Linkify Links● Formats JSON automatically● Raw and Parsed Mode● remembers Theme Preferences● Shortcut Keys● Collapsible ToolbarTo make JSON Formatter work properly on all kinds of site, in the extension permissions make "Allow this extension to read and change all your data on websites you visit:" from "On Click" to "On all sites" if not already setTo use JSON Formatter in local files, enable "Allow access to file URLs" in the extension settings.Sponsored Links To use JSON Formatter in Incognito mode, enable "Allow in Incognito" in extension settings.Some URLs to test on:https://type.fit/api/quoteshttps://api.github.com/usershttps://api.github.com/users/arnav-krhttps://api.github.com/repos/arnav-kr/arnav-kr/readmehttps://api.npms.io/v2/search?q=soloalerthttps://anapioficeandfire.com/api/houses/1Source Code:https://github.com/arnav-kr/json-formatter/Bug Report and suggestionshttps://github.com/arnav-kr/json-formatter/issues/CHANGE LOG:● Bug Fix on raw.githubusercontent.com urls● New Collapsible Toolbar● Fixed Highlighter on some json files● Added support for more types of json websites● Performance Improvements● Theme Bug Fixed