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Imasse 1.26 - Free Search Tools chrome插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/10 21:32:13      作者:tampermonkey
Imasse Description: Imasse - Search the web, educate the worldThis extension will change your default search engine and new tab to Imasse, where every search you do helps to provide someone with access to an education. ? How It WorksWe display ads like any other search engine, but we use this money differently. We donate these profits to education programs around the world because everyone deserves an education. And It's as simple as just changing your search engine.? Your PrivacyWe don't track anything you do ever! We don't collect any personal information about you so your searches are always private.? Research Easier and FasterFilter results based on credibility, Find credible sources by looking for checks, and Easily create citations for any result.? Permissions "Replace the page that you see when opening a new tab": We will update your new tab page so that you can easily search with Imasse every time you open a new tab.Sponsored Links "Change your search settings to Imasse.com": We will use this permission to update your default search to Imasse.? LegalBy installing the Imasse search extension you agree to install this extension, and you agree to the End User License Agreement and the Privacy Policy which can be found below. https://imasse.com/privacyhttps://imasse.com/terms? How to Uninstall1) On your computer, open Chrome.2) At the top right, click More More and then More tools and then Extensions.3) On to the extension you want to remove, click Remove.4) Confirm by clicking Remove.Happy searching :)