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AliScanImage 1.0.2 - Free Shopping 插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/11 0:49:58      作者:tampermonkey
AliScanImage Description: AliScanImage is small extention help you search product aliexpress from amazon,ebay,etsy.Show relevant products on Aliexpress and discover similar products to find the best deals in Aliexpress with supper simple step. Just right click on product image and choose “Search product in Aliexpress”. Typical user cases:? Show similar products? Discover visually relevant products to find the best dealsSponsored Links User guide to use:1. Open product lists2. Right Click on product image3. Choose “Search product in Aliexpress.com”Please read privacy at https://dropshipautofinder.info/privacyWish you a happy shopping! If you need any support, please feel free to contact us via email droptool6666@gmail.com