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Open in Firefox 0.4.1 - Free Productivity 插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/10 22:50:40      作者:tampermonkey
Open in Firefox Description: Open in Firefox extension opens the current tab or links in Firefox browser. Using this extension you can send links to Firefox without the need to manually copy and paste links.If a Firefox instance is opened, then link is opened in a new browser tab, however, if Firefox is not opened, a new Firefox window is opened.For FAQs please visit:http://add0n.com/open-in.htmlFor bug reports visit:https://github.com/andy-portmen/native-client/--- NoteFor this extension to open links in Firefox browser you will need to install a minimal native client. The instruction to install the native client is displayed once a link opening is requested. There are two short video tutorials in the screenshot section for both Windows, and Linux or Mac operation systems if you want to see the installation steps of the native client.--- Change LogSponsored Links 0.1.7Improving open-in functionality (You may need to update your native client)Export all tabs from Chrome to Firefox (right-click context menu over the toolbar button)0.2.2It is now possible to define a custom application name in the options page of the extension (useful to send links to the Developer or Nightly builds of Firefox)0.2.4A new option is added to close the source tab when tab is successfully opened in the destination browser (disabled by default)0.2.5It is now possible to define custom URLs or hostnames to be opened with Firefox from the options page.0.2.7Do not close the source tab when link is sent to the Firefox browser--- LegalFirefox is a trademark of Mozilla Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. This extension is an independent project and has no relationship to Firefox team or Mozilla Inc.