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AnonAddy 2.0.16 - Free Productivity 插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/10 23:05:56      作者:tampermonkey
AnonAddy Description: This extension makes it quick and easy to generate UUID aliases in a couple of clicks using AnonAddy's API.Please Note: This extension is only needed for generating UUID aliases, the free plan is currently limited to a total of 20 active UUID aliases.You can create unlimited standard aliases on the fly for free by giving out anything@username.anonaddy.com as your email address, the browser extension is not required to create these type of aliases.To use this extension you first need to register (https://app.anonaddy.com/register) an account with AnonAddy (it's free), then you can generate an API token on the settings page.Paste your API token in the extension to save it. Now you can simply open the extension and generate a new UUID alias for any site.Why should I use AnonAddy?Sponsored Links There are a number of reasons you should consider using this service:- Protect your real email address from spam by simply deactivating/deleting aliases that receive unsolicited emails- Identify who has sold your data by using a different email address for every site- Protect your identity in the event of a data breach by making it difficult for hackers to cross-reference your accounts- Prevent inbox snooping by encrypting all inbound emails using GPG/OpenPGP encryption- Update where emails are forwarded without having to go through and change your email address for each site individually- Reply to forwarded emails anonymously without revealing your true email addressThis addon is open-source - https://github.com/anonaddy/browser-extensionBugs and Issues: Please report any issues at https://github.com/anonaddy/browser-extension/issues