Google谷歌浏览器最新版Chrome v80.0.3987.87 正式版发布谷歌浏览器 2022/4/10 23:44:38 作者:tampermonkey
谷歌浏览器Google Chrome稳定版迎来v80首个版本发布,详细版本号为v80.0.3987.87,上一个正式版v79.0.3945.130发布于1月17日,时隔19天Google又发布了新版Chrome浏览器,本次升级主要是更新了安全修复和稳定性改进及用户体验。 谷歌浏览器v80正式版主要更新,引入SameSite Cookie可能会破坏网站功能,启用这项功能之后意味着只有从安全链接访问cookies的时候,它们才可以在第三方上下文中使用。 谷歌浏览器Chrome近期版本回顾谷歌浏览器v79正式版主要更新,对密码检查工具的内置支持,通过安全浏览API实时将恶意网站列入黑名单,可预防网络钓鱼的常规可用性,禁止加载HTTPS“混合内容”,支持选项卡冻结,Chrome Sync个人资料部分的新界面,以及对后退缓存机制的支持。 谷歌浏览器v78正式版主要更新,带来了多项功能和改进,在Windows 10(版本 1511+)系统上默认启用。还引入了内置的密码检查工具,目的是如果在用户登录期间发现异常就会发出提醒,允许用户在新标签页中添加壁纸,以及安装来自于Chrome Web Store上的主题。 Chrome 80 值得关注的主要更新如下: 1、引入全新的 cookie 分类模型 SameSite 在 Chrome 80 中,Chrome 会将没有声明 SameSite 值的 cookie 默认设置为SameSite=Lax。只有采用SameSite=None; Secure设置的 cookie 可以从外部访问,前提是通过安全连接(即 HTTPS)访问。这个处理 cookie 文件方式的变化就是本次更新的第一项重大更改,它将改变以往用户隐私被滥用的现象,保证仅能通过 HTTPS 连接访问跨站 cookie。除了直接的安全优势外,明确声明跨站 cookie 还能提高透明度和用户选择。例如,浏览器可以为用户提供管理 cookie 时的精细控制,将仅可以在单个网站访问的 cookie 与可以在多个网站访问的 cookie 分开。其实早在 Chrome 51 中就已首次引入 SamSite Cookie,其设计为用来阻止伪造的跨站点 Cookie 请求。 2、静默通知 Chrome 80 引入更安静的消息通知机制就是本次更新的第二项重大更改。简单描述此机制就是,网页请求发送通知权限时,横幅或者弹窗通知会以更安静、更低调的方式呈现,而不再像原来那样在网页中间或顶部/底部占用空间。“更安静的通知”在 PC 设备和移动设备上均可用。不过有趣的是,Chrome 在首次向用户展示该功能时,会在产品内显示一个帮助对话框(这已经不安静了)。 3、将所有混合音频和视频资源自动升级为 HTTPS 根据 Google 的说法,Chrome 用户现在在所有主要平台上的 HTTPS 上花费了 90% 以上的浏览时间。但是,那些安全页面加载不安全的 HTTP 子资源却是很常见的。这些子资源中的许多默认情况下都是被阻止的,但有些会作为图像、音频和视频或“混合内容”潜入,混合内容可能会使用户面临风险,比如脚本、iframe 与媒体文件。因此从 Chrome 79 开始,Chrome 已开始逐步阻止所有混合内容,并添加了一个新设置项,用户可以用来取消阻止特定站点上的混合内容。到了最新发布的 Chrome 80,它将所有混合音频和视频资源自动升级为 HTTPS,如果无法通过 HTTPS 加载,浏览器虽然允许加载混合图像,但会将页面标记为“Not Secure”。最终在 Chrome 81 中会将所有混合图像、音频与视频自动升级为 HTTPS,并且阻止那些无法通过 HTTPS 加载的图像。 4、移除对 FTP 的支持从 Chrome 80 开始不再支持 FTP,默认情况下,它对非企业客户端禁用了 FTP 支持。按照计划,到了 Chrome 82 将会删除 FTP 相关代码和资源 移除对 FTP 的支持 标签分组,每组可配置个性化颜色 支持 SVG 格式的图像,进一步降低站点资源占用 上线联系人选取和内容索引 API 5、联系人选取和内容索引 API 谷歌浏览器Chrome官方更新日志Chrome稳定版已经更新到v80.0.3987.87安全修复程序和奖励更新包括56项安全修复[$5000][1034394] High CVE-2020-6381: Integer overflow in JavaScript. Reported by The UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) on 2019-12-09[$2000][1031909] High CVE-2020-6382: Type Confusion in JavaScript. Reported by Soyeon Park and Wen Xu from SSLab, Gatech on 2019-12-08[$500][1020745] High CVE-2019-18197: Multiple vulnerabilities in XML. Reported by BlackBerry Security Incident Response Team on 2019-11-01[$500][1042700] High CVE-2019-19926: Inappropriate implementation in SQLite. Reported by Richard Lorenz, SAP on 2020-01-16[$N/A][1035399] High CVE-2020-6385: Insufficient policy enforcement in storage. Reported by Sergei Glazunov of Google Project Zero on 2019-12-1[$N/A][1038863] High CVE-2019-19880, CVE-2019-19925: Multiple vulnerabilities in SQLite. Reported by Richard Lorenz, SAP on 2020-01-03[$N/A][1042535] High CVE-2020-6387: Out of bounds write in WebRTC. Reported by Natalie Silvanovich of Google Project Zero on 2020-01-16[$N/A][1042879] High CVE-2020-6388: Out of bounds memory access in WebAudio. Reported by Sergei Glazunov of Google Project Zero on 2020-01-16[$N/A][1042933] High CVE-2020-6389: Out of bounds write in WebRTC. Reported by Natalie Silvanovich of Google Project Zero on 2020-01-16[$N/A][1045874] High CVE-2020-6390: Out of bounds memory access in streams. Reported by Sergei Glazunov of Google Project Zero on 2020-01-27[$10000][1017871] Medium CVE-2020-6391: Insufficient validation of untrusted input in Blink. Reported by Micha? Bentkowski of Securitum on 2019-10-24[$5000][1030411] Medium CVE-2020-6392: Insufficient policy enforcement in extensions. Reported by Microsoft Edge Team on 2019-12-03[$5000][1035058] Medium CVE-2020-6393: Insufficient policy enforcement in Blink. Reported by Mark Amery on 2019-12-17[$3000][1014371] Medium CVE-2020-6394: Insufficient policy enforcement in Blink. Reported by Phil Freo on 2019-10-15[$3000][1022855] Medium CVE-2020-6395: Out of bounds read in JavaScript. Reported by Pierre Langlois from Arm on 2019-11-08[$3000][1035271] Medium CVE-2020-6396: Inappropriate implementation in Skia. Reported by William Luc Ritchie on 2019-12-18[$2000][1027408] Medium CVE-2020-6397: Incorrect security UI in sharing. Reported by Khalil Zhani on 2019-11-22[$2000][1032090] Medium CVE-2020-6398: Uninitialized use in PDFium. Reported by pdknsk on 2019-12-09[$2000][1039869] Medium CVE-2020-6399: Insufficient policy enforcement in AppCache. Reported by Luan Herrera (@lbherrera_) on 2020-01-07[$1000][1038036] Medium CVE-2020-6400: Inappropriate implementation in CORS. Reported by Takashi Yoneuchi (@y0n3uchy) on 2019-12-27[$500][1017707] Medium CVE-2020-6401: Insufficient validation of untrusted input in Omnibox. Reported by Tzachy Horesh on 2019-10-24[$500][1029375] Medium CVE-2020-6402: Insufficient policy enforcement in downloads. Reported by Vladimir Metnew (@vladimir_metnew) on 2019-11-28[$TBD][1006012] Medium CVE-2020-6403: Incorrect security UI in Omnibox. Reported by Khalil Zhani on 2019-09-19[$N/A][1024256] Medium CVE-2020-6404: Inappropriate implementation in Blink. Reported by kanchi on 2019-11-13[$N/A][1042145] Medium CVE-2020-6405: Out of bounds read in SQLite. Reported by Yongheng Chen(Ne0) & Rui Zhong(zr33) on 2020-01-15[$N/A][1042254] Medium CVE-2020-6406: Use after free in audio. Reported by Sergei Glazunov of Google Project Zero on 2020-01-15[$N/A][1042578] Medium CVE-2019-19923: Out of bounds memory access in SQLite. Reported by Richard Lorenz, SAP on 2020-01-16[$1000][1026546] Low CVE-2020-6408: Insufficient policy enforcement in CORS. Reported by Zhong Zhaochen of on 2019-11-20[$1000][1037889] Low CVE-2020-6409: Inappropriate implementation in Omnibox. Reported by Divagar S and Bharathi V from Karya Technologies on 2019-12-26[$500][881675] Low CVE-2020-6410: Insufficient policy enforcement in navigation. Reported by evi1m0 of Bilibili Security Team on 2018-09-07[$500][929711] Low CVE-2020-6411: Insufficient validation of untrusted input in Omnibox. Reported by Khalil Zhani on 2019-02-07[$N/A][968505] Low CVE-2020-6412: Insufficient validation of untrusted input in Omnibox. Reported by Zihan Zheng (@zzh1996) of University of Science and Technology of China on 2019-05-30[$N/A][1005713] Low CVE-2020-6413: Inappropriate implementation in Blink. Reported by Micha? Bentkowski of Securitum on 2019-09-19[$N/A][1021855] Low CVE-2020-6414: Insufficient policy enforcement in Safe Browsing. Reported by Lijo A.T on 2019-11-06[$N/A][1029576] Low CVE-2020-6415: Inappropriate implementation in JavaScript. Reported by Avihay Cohen @ SeraphicAlgorithms on 2019-11-30[$N/A][1031895] Low CVE-2020-6416: Insufficient data validation in streams. Reported by Woojin Oh(@pwn_expoit) of STEALIEN on 2019-12-08[$N/A][1033824] Low CVE-2020-6417: Inappropriate implementation in installer. Reported by Renato "Wrath" Moraes and Altieres "FallenHawk" Rohr on 2019-12-13[1048330] Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives Google Chromev80.0.3987.87稳定版离线安装包官方本地下载地址: Google Chrome v80.0.3987.87 无更新功能版 64位SHA1:CAE546BDDEC2F68D0C4C03C57122F7942B9E7989SHA256:C8C58C5618729A415DED01C4D0B26A1DE1AE8C5DD1DB1A4CA668EB56916DF8C1 Google Chrome v80.0.3987.87 无更新功能版 32位SHA1:A01FF2313B50E1C303EE43758BEF77B896794884SHA256:5B0C80C632322CDB5FAA41152BC9F0889DAA5DADB8E19C1860C1F8A3C1889C0C Google Chrome v80.0.3987.87 Mac版SHA1:C34561F67FF26353D362DF3EBEA69965FB33FEE4SHA256:F4E5655D8C026EB0B0796F988C4026DAE6C7E16CB310E2E172DB195A9A93B44A Google Chrome 官方带更新功能版 网盘: