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Shadertoy Unofficial Plugin 0.13.249 - Free Developer Tools 插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/10 23:06:14      作者:tampermonkey
Shadertoy Unofficial Plugin Description: Features:* List of recent shaders.* Fork any shader.* Save as new draft (for owned shaders).* Export shaders (single JSON or ZIP archive with JSON and readme.txt).* Display current canvas resolution.* Create links in comments and description.* Backup all user's shaders (JSON file).Sponsored Links * Adjustable slider for full control of 'iTime' uniform and audio/video inputs.* FOUR sliders simulating mouse position with the same range. This can be used to tweaking variables.* Big shader preview on shaders list on "My profile" page ( + optional alternative layout ). * Change resolution in windowed and fullscreen mode by pressing ALT and 1...9. keys. Resolution is divided by pressed key value, for example:* Pause/Restart in fullscreen mode. FWD/RWD with arrow keys.* Fullscreen edit mode.* Render call multiplierhttps://github.com/patuwwy/ShaderToy-Chrome-Plugin