Skimlinks Editor tool 5.1.1 - Free Blogging 插件 2022/4/10 22:33:32 作者:tampermonkey
Skimlinks Editor tool Description: Skimlinks Editor ToolbarThe Skimlinks Editor Toolbar is the easy to use Chrome Extension that any publisher who is writing commerce content should have installed.When a publisher is on the merchants website, they’ll instantly be able to see if they provide commision rates, what they are and easily be able to create an affiliate link directly from the toolbar.Features of the Skimlinks Editor Toolbar:Sponsored Links
Easily see the average commission rate the merchant has paid over the last 90 daysThe ability to see the full conditions relating to commission rates without leaving the pageWhether the merchant provides exclusive or higher than average commission ratesShorten links to share on social networksIf you manage multiple domains, the ability to select the domain you want to affiliate so that the relevant commision rates showYou need to have a Skimlinks account and be logged in for the Editor Toolbar to work. You can sign up for an account here