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Keyword Volume Extractor 0.3.2 - Free Search Tools 插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/10 22:16:16      作者:tampermonkey
Keyword Volume Extractor Description: Extract & download your search volumes for more than 35 countries directly in Google Search Console with this free extension for Google Chrome. Google Search Console is a widely used tool by the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) community, as it allows us to assess how well our websites are performing, with metrics such as clicks & impressions. Search volume is an important missing metrics of the tool and they can't be added easily within the UI. Exporting our keyword data and merging them with other data providers is often a waste of time. This extension aims to reduce that friction. With this FREE extension, you will be able to use Google Search Console and preview & download the search volumes at the same time. How to configure the extension? After installing the application, you must configure your country in the "Options" screen, and that's it! How does it work? When you browse Google Search Console, the extension download search volumes (from a free API) associated to your queries and display them. - You need to change your options and refresh the page if you want to retrieve data for more than one country - If you have more than one property, you need to also refresh the page when you browse them. Indeed, Google Search Console is actually a web application loading on a single page, and the extension is only triggered when the page is loaded. Sponsored Links Is there any known limitations? 1. If a keyword is not included in the free API we use, the search volume returned will be 0. 2. Some keywords (like "animal" and "animals") are grouped in the free API the extensions uses. Therefore, "animal" is likely to return something, but "animals" will return 0. Same comment for misspellings for instance. 3. The UI displays at most 1000 keywords, therefore the extension will be able to retrieve and download data for up to 1000 keywords as well. How can I contact you if I have an issue? The full code is available on GitHub (https://github.com/antoineeripret/google_search_console_search_volume) and you can create an issue there (https://github.com/antoineeripret/google_search_console_search_volume/issues). If you wish to extend the extension's functionalities, you are more than welcome to submit a pull request using the same links as well. Who created the extension? The extension has been created by Antoine Eripret (https://twitter.com/antoineripret) in collaboration with Jose Luis Hernando (https://twitter.com/jlhernando) and help from Fede Gómez (https://twitter.com/_fede_gomez_). Icon credits: Flaticon (https://www.flaticon.es/autores/monkik)