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Dotjs Universal 1.6.1 - Free Developer Tools 插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/10 22:58:37      作者:tampermonkey
Dotjs Universal Description: dotjs is a Chrome/Chromium browser extension that executes JavaScript and CSS files on websites based on their filename.If you navigate to `www.google.com`, dotjs will execute `/scripts/google.com.js` and/or `/styles/google.com.css` if either of the files exist.It will also execute `/scripts/default.js` and `/styles/default.css` for all your bootstrapping and library needs.Sponsored Links This makes it super easy to spruce up your favorite pages using JavaScript or CSS.See https://github.com/p3lim/dotjs-universal for full installation instructions.Works on any OS without any extra fuzz, based on the original code of defunkt.