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Kamatil 1.1.0 - Free Accessibility chrome插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/10 21:05:14      作者:tampermonkey
Kamatil Description: Kamatil - Clipboard History Extension Features:? Roll back & Manage your clipboard and your Copy / Paste List! ??? WORKS EVERYWHERE not just while running Google Chrome ??? Keep a history of a content, which has been recently copied to the computer clipboard. By selecting any last copied text you automatically copy it into the clipboard again. You can also see the time every text was copied. ??? Don't lose your information ??? Recopy Anything ??? Modern Design(Material UI) , Easy to Use ??Sponsored Links ------------------------------------? This is a fully Free version, but u can always help us to give this extension more time working on it by donation using this link:https://www.paypal.me/KarimAmahtil------------------------------------? Please if you liked this extension leave a Positive FeedBack and Rating to Motivate us ??